Product Guide
The original range of TU-Chem products are available through Logco including release agents, concrete curing agents & retarders, concrete sealers, cementitious repair and cleaning products and much more.
Coverage : 30 – 40m²/L
Forstrip is intended for general site use to achieve easy formwork release.
Coverage : 30 -50m² /l
Chemical release agent for use on formwork and shuttering which is fast drying. Gives a superior finish to cast concrete.
Coverage : 30 – 40m² /l
FORSTRIKE is high quality mould oil for general site and precast yard use that achieves a top quality concrete finish in most situations. High oil content mould oil.
Coverage : 30 -50 m² /l
Environmentally friendly formwork release agent, water soluble and economical.
Coverage : 30-50m² /l
A biodegradable chemical release agent for use on formwork and shuttering which gives superior finish to cast concrete.
Coverage : 30 -50 m² /l
A high quality chemical release agent specifically formulated
to give easy release of formwork and high quality surface
finishes to concrete. Ideal for precast systems.
Coverage : 10-12 m² /kg
Formwork wax has been specifically developed for the initial sealing of porous formwork and for use as a release agent on various types of impervious formwork.
Coverage : 5m² /l
A light blue aqueous solution of penetrating and retarding
agents to enable aggregate exposure and delay the setting of
the concrete top face.
Coverage : 3-4 m² /l
Surface Retarder of gel type composition, colour tinted to
assist application when applying to Formwork.
Coverage : 5.5m² /l
ECOCURE WW physically “locks” moisture into freshly cast
concrete surfaces to allow full hydration of the cement thus
allowing the concrete to fully “cure” over seven days or so,
without inhibiting uptake of subsequent treatments. Tinted
version to aid application also available.
Coverage : 4-6m² /l
ECOCURE SUPER is a white, aqueous based spray-on temporary
High Efficiency Concrete Curing Compound (Aprox 90%)
membrane to retain moisture in freshly placed concrete. It is
formulated to prevent evaporation of the gauging water and
provides an economical and efficient method for curing concrete.
Coverage : 5-7 m² /l
ECOCURE SEALER is a low odour, white opaque, aqueous based
membrane forming liquid for curing, sealing, dustproofing and
hardening new/old, interior/exterior concrete
Coverage : 5.5 m² /l
Concrete curing agent offering 90% curing efficiency over 36
hours. Sitecure Super creates a hydrocarbon resin membrane
over the concrete to reduce the loss of moisture. This will
create a stronger, crack resistant concrete.
Coverage : 5.5m² /kg
Aluminised Concrete curing agent offering 90% curing
efficiency over 36 hours.
Coverage : 6m² /l
A clear acrylic polymer resin solution for application to
surfaces of freshly laid concrete floors, Forms a highly
effective curing membrane that conforms to ASTM. C309 and
acts as an in-depth sealer for the hardened concrete
Coverage : 6m² /l
A clear acrylic polymer resin solution for application to
surfaces of freshly laid concrete floors that have been finished
by power floating. Forms a highly effective curing membrane
that conforms to ASTM. C309 and acts as an in-depth sealer
for the hardened concrete.
Eco-wallseal is a high performance clear, solvent free water repellent specially formulated to prevent water penetration to brick, stone, concrete, pebbledash, rendering.
Request SDSCoverage : 6m² /l
Surface Sealer & Water Repellent provides clear, water
repellent protection to exterior surfaces, such as concrete,
natural stone, brick and block paving.
A bituminous solution for overall waterproofing of roofs which
can be applied onto dry surfaces all year round.
Alkali resistant cold applied rubberised bitumen emulsion with
excellent adhesion to sound building materials including asphalt.
Debonding/Dowell bar paint is a bituminous solution designed to provide a thick film on dowel bars.
Request SDSBlack Bitumen Paint for use as a protective coating for metal
work, pipes, tanks etc.
A cementitious powder compound with the inclusion of a
polymer to promote adhesion and resistance to passage of
water, and a water reducing agent to facilitate a low water
cement ratio, Ideal for patch repairs, available in white and
SITEPLUG is a polymer modified, fibre reinforced,
cementitious powder designed specifically for plugging tie
A two component system consisting of an activated filler
formulated to provide a rapidly developed high strength
mortar. By varying the resin/filler ratio it will provide a mortar
of wither a trowellable, bedding or grouting consistency.
POLYDISSOLVER is a specially formulated solvent developed
to safely dissolve away and emulsify unwanted expanded
polystyrene box outs, void formers and inserts
SITECLEAN is a selected blend of inorganic acids for the
removal of mortar splashes from brickwork and rust from a
wide range of surfaces.
SITEKLENS is a solvent for cleaning resin products from tools
and equipment before the resin has hardened, an for removing
any residual release agent from formwork.
SITEWASH is an amber liquid developed for the cleaning of
sprayers and other equipment that has been used with resin
based products. Also an excellent degreaser
In Memory of Zheg Hua Tu (Miss Tu)
Tu left China in the early nineties just after the Cultural revolution and was present at the Tiananmen Square incident. She was sent to a hard labour camp elsewhere in China where she met a British worker who managed to help Tu get a place at Glasgow University where she studied until she moved to London.
Whilst she was working in a local restaurant in London,she met Monty Bixer who owned a successful chemical manufacturing plant. Monty saw she had business acumen and employed her as an office helper. She eventually worked her way up to managing director. TU-Chem Ltd was founded by Tu in early 2010 after working in the construction chemical industry for many years. She built a successful company, manufacturing and supplying the concrete industry with a full range of chemicals. Logco worked with Tu for over 3 years and when she wanted to sell her business Logco was the obvious choice. Tu continued to work for Logco as a consultant up until she sadly passed away in 2020. Tu was an avid Bridge player and loved to travel but her favourite pastime was her work. In memory of Tu 27th December 1953 – 30th December 2020